Power-Circuit Workout: What is it about?


Hello ladies! It’s me, Omayra. Have you been wondering what my workouts are about? I’m ready to give you guys a brief explanation about it. Are you familiar with the term “circuit training”? Well, a circuit training is an amount of exercises in a shorter window of time. For you busy moms out there looking to become fit, these styles of workouts could be for you.

Think of circuit training like this: You typically have anywhere from four to eight exercises, almost all of them of the strength training variety (i.e. using weight), and you want to complete all of these moves within a certain time frame or rep range as quickly as possible.

Let’s say you only have 30 minutes to workout but you still want to gain muscle and drop body fat. So you decide you want to do a total-body circuit. It might look something like this:

  • Mountain Climbers- 1 minute
  • REST 30 seconds
  • Shoulder Taps- 1 minute
  • REST 30 seconds
  • Reverse crunches- 1 minute
  • REST 30 seconds
  • Plyometric Lunges- 1 minute
  • REST 30 seconds
  • Donkey Kicks- 1 minute
  • Rest 30 seconds
  • **Start all over again for a total of 30 minutes

You can do these workouts from wherever is convenient for you (home or work place) and the amount of space you need is relatively small without any complex equipment or gym membership.

Are you ready to do this? Of course you are!

If you’re interested for more information leave me a comment or a message and I’ll get in touch with you!

Published by powerlogg

Bienvenida! Me llamo Omayra Ortiz, soy coach certificada y atleta en levantamiento de pesas. En mi diario vivir soy madre de dos niñas y maestra. Entreno y diseño programas de entrenamiento y nutrición para chicas que están interesadas en hacer un cambio por el resto de sus vidas. Aquí no hay imposibles, pues ajusto la programación a tu disposición y comodidad. Entiendo totalmente las circunstancias de la vida que ha llevado a tomar decisiones que a la larga terminamos descuidándonos a nosotras mismas. Aquí estoy para apoyarte porque tu también puedes tomar decisiones poderosas!

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